Chiropractic treatments are not just for back pain and headaches. Several patients seek Chiropractic treatment for proactive and wellness purposes. This specific treatment is supported by clinical studies demonstrating improvement of nervous system function and the individual nerve’s ability to carry nerve impulses more efficiently which in turn increases white blood cell count that in turn strengthens the immune system.

Joint Health
The adjustments can improve joint mobility, decrease chronic joint pain, and improve joint function and health. Even if the joint pain is in the knee or other extremity, a spinal adjustment could be very beneficial.
Decreases Degeneration of the Spine
Restoring normal joint range of motion can help slow the degenerative process. If you have had a spinal condition, injury, or family history of degeneration, chiropractic adjustments in general are a great treatment option. Regardless of why you are getting the adjustment, studies have shown that these treatments decrease the rate of degeneration of the spine.
Athletic performance
Professional teams have used Doctors of Chiropractic for wellness and injury management for years. Athletes are in tune with how their body moves. Studies have shown improvement in proprioception after a Chiropractic adjustment. Proprioception is your brain’s perception or awareness of the position and movement of the body. In addition, this benefit of Chiropractic helps our elderly population with balance and stability.
Contact us today to schedule your examination.