Florida auto accidents are quite common, and many people suffer from soft tissue injuries as a result of a motor vehicle collision. Injuries to the spine are extremely common as a result of auto accidents, and it is important to get examined right away. Here are the two most common types of injuries.

This common injury occurs due to the rapid acceleration/deceleration force the body absorbs as a result of a car crash. The soft connective tissue (muscles, ligaments, tendons, vertebral discs) are stretched or damaged causing painful symptoms.
Whiplash injury can be quite painful and slow to heal when left untreated. The dedicated staff at our office will help manage your condition and provide treatments in the office in addition to educating patients on proper home care for faster results.
Disc Injuries
After being injured in an auto accident it is possible for the discs in your spine to become injured or irritated. Vertebral discs are the shock absorbers of the spine. When discs are injured, the way your spine moves and functions can be altered. Common symptoms include numbness and/or tingling pain in arms and legs that stem from your spine.
If you have recently been in a car accident, you should be examined by a medical professional as soon as possible. If you need help evaluating your injury and getting a treatment plan, contact us today for your appointment.